
3 Proven Ways To Stay Motivated & Fit During The Cold Weather Months

Winter is a great time to get fit, but it can be hard to stay motivated when it’s cold outside! These tips will help you stay on track and keep your fitness routine going strong in the cold weather months.

It can be a struggle to stay motivated when the temperature drops and the days get shorter.

You’re not alone in your struggle to be more active when the weather gets colder. The truth is, many people find themselves less inclined to exercise when it’s cold outside. If you are one of those people who finds it hard to get off the couch in winter, here are three proven ways you can stay fit and motivated during cold weather months.

1. Change up your fitness routine in order to stay motivated.

In the colder months, it can be tempting to just run on the treadmill in your living room and call it a day. But that’s not going to keep you motivated and excited about working out when winter rolls around again. Instead, try changing up your fitness routine in order to stay motivated:

  • Try new workouts. If you usually go for runs every day after work, try adding another workout like yoga or spin classes into your schedule once or twice a week instead. Maybe even try something totally outside of your comfort zone (like hot yoga) so that you’re always challenged in new ways! And don’t forget about strength training—it might not seem like much when all you have is some dumbbells at home, but there are plenty of bodyweight exercises and resistance bands available online if those won’t cut it either!

2. Don’t let the cooler weather stop you from  exercising outdoors.

  • Exercise outdoors when the weather is nice.
  • Exercise in the morning, before work or school.
  • Exercise with a friend or group of people who share your interest (and motivation).
  • Exercise with a pet, particularly one that needs to get out for walks anyway.
  • Try exercising in a different place than you usually do; you may find that it’s easier to make time for yourself when there aren’t as many distractions around!

If none of these options sound appealing, try listening to music while you exercise—it can be an excellent way to motivate yourself on days when getting out and moving feels like too much effort!

If you don’t have time to exercise, try making small changes in your daily routine. For instance, park at the far end of the parking lot when you go to work or school; take the stairs instead of an elevator when possible; walk around while talking on the phone rather than sitting still.

3. Keep yourself motivated with music.

Music has always been a great way to keep yourself motivated during a workout, but now that it’s getting colder out, you can use music to help you stay motivated even more. Here are a few ways music can help keep you going:

  • Use your favorite songs as an indicator of how far along in your workout you are. If one of your favorite songs comes on, that means it was time for a new set! The same goes for warm-up exercises and cool down stretches.
  • Music is also great for helping with pacing and focus. You can start off slow with slower beats then build up the intensity as the song progresses—and vice versa at the end when most people get tired and want things to go faster so they can finish that last set! This will keep everyone moving safely without wearing themselves out too quickly!
  • Try something different! Try yoga for a change of pace from running or cycling. Or try out cross-training by combining elements of strength training and cardio into one exercise session (look up “cross-training” on Wikipedia!). If it gets too cold outside, look for indoor gyms or other places that offer classes like Zumba or spinning—these are great ways to meet new people while having fun and staying fit at the same time! You might even find some inspiration there if no one else has tried this before; after all, most people aren’t going outside on days like today either!

So there you have it. Three great ways to stay fit and motivated during the cold weather months. We hope you find these tips helpful during the cold weather months of the year and throughout. Let us know what’s been helping you stay on track with your fitness goals during the cooler months. Comment below.



Winter Fitness Tips for Exercising Outdoors, MayoClinic.com

An Exercise Expert’s 6 Tips for Understanding Your Winter Fitness Goals