There are various reasons why people work out. Some folks exercise to stay fit, others work out for health purposes and many have weight goals they are trying to achieve or maintain. With that said, it can be disconcerting to exercise and not attain the results you desire. Here you are engaged in an exercise regimen with sweaty clothes, latest sneakers and costly gym membership fee to prove it and yet, no real results.
So if your workout isn’t working for you, one or more of the following five reasons could be the culprit(s). Find out how to maximize your workout and earn the results you rightfully deserve!
Here are the top reasons people exercise but don’t feel or see the results :
1. You’re expecting too much too soon.
I’m sure you’ve heard the popular expression, ” Rome wasn’t built ina day”. It’s true the great city of Rome wasn’t built overnight, nor are exercise goals accomplished that quickly either. It takes time and consistency to get in shape. Oftentimes when people don’t see quick fast results, they might be more inclined to throw in the “workout” towel or put exercising on the back burner. The key is to be patient. Keeping in mind that embarking on a lifestyle change that can be sustained for the rest of your life by exercising patience and consistency.
2.You’re only doing cardio.
Cardio plays an important role in weight loss and strengthening cardiovascular system. However, cardio without strength training can potentially result in a self-defeating attitude. Strength training also referred to as “weight training” helps to prevent injury by reinforcing the joints. It also increases metabolic rate which helps to burn more calories. Additionally, it builds muscle mass which helps to change the composition of your body. Try lifting weights or do body-weight exercises, such as push-ups, squats and lunges, two to three times a week, along with some cardio and watch those physical results come rolling in.
3. Proper Nutrition
Healthy eating is a must. People can work out everyday, burn hundreds of calories, but may not be fueling themselves correctly, and as a result, all their hard work goes down the drain. The body needs good nutrition operate properly and to make sure that it is able to sustain the physical work being done.
Try eating a diet rich in protein, vegetables and fruits. Swap sweets for fruits. Snack on kale chips instead of pretzels. Making healthier choices will get you closer to accomplishing your goals and getting better results.
4. Lack of Intensity
If you notice that you’ve conquered your workout routine, it might be time to take it up a notch. Try performing more reps or sets. Avoid complacency, by pushing yourself to the next level. As your heart rate safely increases, you’ll find yourself in the most intense part of training, where the great results occur.
5. Avoid Overtraining
How can one overtrain? It’s okay to push yourself to be better, but it’s not good to do it to the point you have a difficult time recovering. Overtraining can easily result in exhaustion or injury which are two things you want to prevent. Try giving yourself rest after a long series of intense workouts or exercise every other day.
6. Get your sleep!
Sometimes your workouts may cut into your sleep time. With that said, without a sufficient amount of sleep workouts can be counterproductive. You need energy to exercise and sleep allows your body to refresh and re-energize. Studies have also proven that lack of sleep can affect your body’s ability regulate it’s appetite. Make sure you’re getting at least 6-8 hours of sleep to maximize your energy levels and potentially regulate your appetite.
7. Check Your Thyroid
According to experts, when your thyroid is not functioning properly, your metabolism goes down and you will more than start to gain weight. And as you gain weight it can become extremely challenging to lose it, especially because poor thyroid functioning often causes fatigue which makes exercising more difficult. Thyroid problems are often overlooked as a probable cause of inability to lose weight; although they are one of the most common causes.
Hypothyroidism: A a condition in which the thyroid gland, which produces hormones that regulate a number of body processes, becomes underactive and doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone to allow the body to function properly. One of the key processes these hormones help to regulate is metabolism. Click here for symptoms of hypothyroidism.
Hyperthyroidism: an overactive thyroid, which causes high thyroid hormone production — metabolism speeds up and your whole body starts working overtime. Click here for symptoms of hyperthyroidism.
If it is determined by a physician that you have a thyroid problem, there are treatment options that may help to get you back on track with your fitness goals.
8. Create a Plan
What’s the purpose of your training? It’s essential you know and remember your reason for exercising. Every time you set out to exercise, you need a plan that supports your purpose. You might consider working with a trainer to devise a plan of attack or you may opt to create a training plan that is consistent with your goals, track your progress and follow your plan through till you get the results you want.
Training is not solely physical, but mental too! Maintaining a healthy mental state can potentially impact your productivity. Productivity equals results. Results are not impossible to attain. It take time, patience, consistency and diligence- making it all worthwhile at the end of the day, with steady progress and desired results being your ultimate rewards. Whatever you do, don’t give up, results are on the way!
Featured photo courtesy of blog.lafitness.com.