
Get Fit With The Top Fitness Trend of 2015: Bodyweight Training

Bodyweight training beat out HIIT workouts, strength training, and spinning for the top spot of 2015 fitness trends.

It makes sense why.

Bodyweight workouts can be done almost anywhere, no gym required, and no equipment needed. It’s the cheapest, most convenient way to work out. Not to mention, it’s very effective!

When thinking about bodyweight exercises, think squats, planks, and push-ups. It’s all the well-known exercises we’ve been doing all along. But, it doesn’t have to be boring.

To make these bodyweight exercises more interesting and even a little more challenging, fitness gurus are putting a twist on some of these basic moves to spice them up a bit.

Combining moves and working multiple body parts in one exercise is a great way to get an effective bodyweight workout in even less time.

Plank/Glute Bodyweight Workout

In this bodyweight series, you’re working your shoulders, core, and glutes all at the same time. There is even a cardiovascular component by finishing the series with plyometric spiderman lunges.

Try to do each exercise for 1 minute, resting 30 seconds in between. Repeat two more times for an 18-minute total-body bodyweight workout!

*Whenever you are doing plank work, keep your hands directly under your shoulders and your hips in a straight line.*

Spiderman Lunges

This is a great way to start the series by doing some active stretching to warm up the body. Try to bring your foot as close to the outside of your hand as you can while keeping your hips square.

Plank Work

Uses many muscles of the body to maintain balance and lift the leg. Lift your leg as high as you can and squeeze your butt for added glute work.

Plank Walk

A challenge for your core. Try to avoid letting your hips rock.

Plyometric Spiderman Lunges

These will get your heart rate up for a great burn-out to end the series.

Let us know if you give it a try!

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