
How Gratitude Practices Can Improve Your Life


Changing our attitude toward life can make a big difference in how we feel. Our inner feelings color our view of the world, so when we start from a darker position, we’re more focused on the negative aspects of life.

Fortunately, there are a few simple things we can do to turn our dark view of life into something brighter. Practicing gratitude in your daily life has proven benefits. It will help lift your spirits and foster emotional well-being. It can also have an impact on your physical health. 

These ten easy steps toward gratitude will help you on your path toward a healthier, more satisfied life.

  1. Express Your Thanks

Something as simple as writing thank-you notes can help you feel better about yourself. It also makes the people around you smile. It may be an old-fashioned practice to some people, but it deserves to be revived.

Write thank-you notes to friends, family, and business colleagues. It will surprise and gratify people who have done something kind for you, and will help you be mindful of the things people do for you that you can be grateful about.

  1. Create a Gratitude Journal

Starting on a path of gratitude can be as easy as jotting down the things you are thankful for. You don’t need to make a special journal (although I find it helps), you can use a file on your computer or a note-taking app on your phone.

Write about all the little things you appreciate in your life. They can be as simple as a great burger you had recently, or as fundamental as your ability to walk or see. Write about the people you are thankful for as well, starting with your family and close friends. Think about everything these people have done for you.


When people keep journals like this, their willpower and decision-making skills are heightened. They also have the ability to delay gratification and save up for a special reward.

  1. Gratitude Promotes Health

It may seem far-fetched, but studies show that being grateful can boost your health and wellness. Gratitude changes the biochemical responses in your body. Cholesterol, blood pressure, cardiac health, and kidney function are all affected by a state of gratitude.

Psychologists say that gratitude is able to overcome the negative, toxic emotions we feel, including regret, depression, envy, and resentment. While everyone has these feelings from time to time, dwelling on them can lead a person to anxiety and depression. Thankfulness helps us pull our focus away from the negative happenings in life and look toward the future with optimism.

  1. Attract New Friends with Thankfulness

A 2014 study by the University of New South Wales found that gratitude directly impacts a person’s ability to make new friends. When study participants wrote thank-you notes to new acquaintances, they were perceived as warmer and kinder. This made them more likely to receive help in the future. Friendships built this way are beneficial both personally and professionally.

  1. Grateful People are More Resilient

When people keep the positive aspects of life in mind, it makes them more resilient. A 2014 study in the Journal of Positive Psychology found that young Israelis whose homes had been under missile attack were more resilient when they remained grateful for the positive things in their lives. Gratefulness was also associated with a lower risk of PTSD.

  1. Take a Gratitude Walk

When you are looking for a way to instantly boost your mood, instead of turning to a snack or a video game, try taking a walk around your neighborhood. Note all the things you are thankful for. Focusing on the little things in life, like nature, birds, and trees, can pull your focus away from your problems and remind you that you are living in a beautiful world.

This tip also works around the house. Look for special mementos from the people you love, including gifts and photos. Take the time to be thankful for these important people in your life. Call loved ones for an extra boost of thankfulness.

  1. Be Thankful at Work

Taking the time to tell your coworkers how much you appreciate them pays off in improved performance. Especially if you are a supervisor, praise your employees and reward them for achievements. Consider how much your employees have helped you and be specific when you thank them. This will boost their job performance and make them more likely to want to stay with your company.

  1. Improve Your Romantic Life

Telling your partner you are thankful for their love and support goes a long way toward improving relationships. Couples who express gratitude to each other are closer and have an easier time getting past conflicts.

Studies show that when we express our thankfulness to our partners, relationships are more likely to last. Even when a couple faces challenges such as financial difficulties, they are more likely to stay together when they show each other that they are grateful for their actions.

  1. Make a Gratitude Jar

This can be a great, fun, and a little bit quirky way to bring thankfulness into everyday life. When you’re feeling uplifted, write yourself a little note about it and place it in a jar. When you’re feeling down, go through the jar and choose an old entry to read. Remembering a time in which something good happened that you were thankful for can bring a smile to your face, even when you’re under stress.

Plus, taking the time to write things down, as with the gratitude journal, will help you focus on the positive.

  1. Grateful People Sleep Better

People who practice gratitude in their daily lives have an easier time getting beneficial sleep, even if they have sleep disorders. A 2009 study linked feelings of gratitude to a better quality of sleep. Grateful people slept longer and had an easier time falling asleep. Keeping positive thoughts in mind, especially at bedtime, is a healthy habit that will pay off in better health and wellness.

Change Your Attitude

The benefits of changing your attitude from a “scarcity mindset” to a fuller appreciation of life can pay off in all areas of your life. With only a little effort, you can begin living a more thankful life. Take the time to thank people at home and at work for their contributions. Keep lists of the things in life that make you feel grateful. Try to focus on the positive and you will find that many things in your life improve.