
How to Get a Natural Energy Boost with Coconut Oil

Sometimes we need a little extra help before our morning workout, during our mid-day slump, or while we’re running errands or hiking with friends. And, that’s okay. But instead of reaching for a cup of coffee or a shot of an energy drink, try a little bit of coconut oil to increase your energy.

Coconut oil is a natural energy supplement that contains MCTs, which have been proven to elevate your energy levels without the nasty side effects of a crash. If you would like to know more about the properties of coconut oil and how you can eat it for energy, keep reading.

How Coconut Oil Boosts Energy

If you’re feeling tired or sluggish, it may not be because you haven’t gotten enough sleep. You could be feeling fatigued because you haven’t eaten enough of the right nutrients or because you’re fueling your body with too much caffeine.

Coconut oil could be part of the natural solution you’re looking for. It consists of medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs, which are fatty acids that can easily be digested for an immediate energy boost. MCTs go directly to liver where they are then turned into energy. A study recently conducted showed that when MCTs are consumed in low to moderate amounts throughout the day energy expenditure is heightened.

Coconut oil also contains lauric acid, which is more like the long-chain fatty acids and is therefore absorbed at a slower rate. The combined effects of MCTs and lauric acid allow you to have an immediate energy boost that remains a little more stable throughout the day than if you get an energy boost from coffee or energy drinks.

Unrefined vs. Refined Coconut Oil

In order to get the best results from consuming coconut oil, make sure you use unrefined, cold-pressed coconut oil. When coconut oil is refined, it is heated to a point that causes it to lose its natural molecular structure.

Cold-pressed coconut oil is never heated and is, therefore, able to retain its natural properties. This means that when you eat coconut oil that is unrefined you receive all of its benefits, including an energy boost that can help you focus mentally and physically.

Coconut Oil Offers Long Lasting Energy with No Crash

How many times have you had an energy drink to get you through afternoon grogginess, only to crash shortly afterwards?

By consuming coconut oil in the morning or afternoon or before your workout, you’re introducing your body to a natural energy supplement that will encourage sustained energy levels. As we discussed before, the MCTs will instantly increase your energy but will also allow you to maintain your energy levels throughout the day. There are no sudden crashes of energy like you might receive from drinking energy drinks or caffeinated beverages.

Eating coconut oil is a great way to get an energy kick that will give you enhanced endurance and power. Many athletes, such as long-distance runners, like to include coconut oil in their diets to balance their energy levels during training.

Ways to Eat Coconut Oil for More Energy

There are so many creative ways to eat the recommended amount of 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil per day. Below you’ll find some of our favorite ideas and recipes for incorporating coconut oil into your diet.

  1. Spread coconut oil on your morning toast instead of butter or margarine. The coconut oil will liquify once it touches the warm toast. Add avocado slices or a sprinkle of cinnamon sugar for a tasty treat.
  2. Mix one to two tablespoons of coconut oil into your black cup of morning coffee for immediate energy that will last throughout the day. Note, the more oil you mix into the coffee, the heavier the coconut flavor will be.
  3. Mix one to two tablespoons of coconut oil into a pre- or post-workout smoothie or drink. In addition to promoting stronger energy levels, the healthy fats in the oil will help you burn fat and increase muscle recovery.
  4. Add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil to your “between meals” smoothie. A healthy snack such as a smoothie filled with fruits and protein-rich ingredients can stave off hunger and give you an energy kick to make it through the rest of your day. We recommend this recipe for a coconut oil smoothie. It’s not only creamy and delicious, but it’s chock-full of MCTs, vitamins, and minerals to give you the energy you need to meet your daily goals.
  5. Bake energy bars, granola bars, or breakfast cookies with coconut oil. Substitute butter for coconut oil in homemade bars or cookies. Or, if your recipe doesn’t call for butter, add a tablespoon or two of coconut oil to your recipe. You may need to bake the bars or cookies a little longer because of the added moisture. Keep a close eye on them while they’re in the oven. If you’d like to give it a try, this recipecould be exactly what you need. The added coconut oil can be the energy boost you need to conquer the hiking trail or your long to-do list.

Long-Term Health Benefits

Don’t suffer from lack of energy or hard-hitting crashes again. By incorporating coconut oil into your daily diet, you can fight off energy slumps and increase your focus and endurance. Coconut oil can help you conquer your workout, your business meeting, and your grocery list. Don’t take an easy out by reaching for the coffee pot or a can of energy drink. Instead, make a conscious effort to change your everyday habits by adding a simple ingredient like coconut oil to your diet that will have beneficial long-term effects on your health.