
Immunity Boosting Foods and Behaviors for the Healthy Diabetic

If you’re a diabetic, you probably don’t need to be told that your immune system can get a little out of whack sometimes. This can make you prone for infections. You may get colds or flu bugs easily. Today, the unfortunate truth is, diabetes is categorized as an underlying condition for to the Coronavirus, as such, diabetics should take extra precautions. Diabetes is in the family of autoimmune disorders, and I have some news for you ladies that may or may not surprise you, we’re hardest hit with this group of disorders.

Train Your Immunity

Did you know there are ways to train your immune system to stand up and fight for you. There are lifestyle changes that you can make that will help you to boost your immune system.

Lower Your A1C

First and foremost, if you haven’t had an A1C done, it’s a very good idea to get one done!

What is A1C?

A1C is a blood test to determine just how coated with sugar you are inside. The A1C ranges are:

Less than 5.7 is consider normal
5.7 to 6.4 indicate prediabetes
6.4 or higher indicates diabetes

There are steps you can take to bring down those numbers.

Reduction of simple sugars
Be compliant with your Physician regarding medications
Lose weight
Eat properly

Get a Good Night Sleep

A solid seven to nine hours of sleep per night promotes T-Cells to get rowdy and fight off any infection while you sleep.


Not only is exercise good for lowering your A1C, it helps to build your immunity as well. Strive to exercise thirty minutes a day. If you need to break your thirty minutes into five-minute integrals, that is fine. You will feel it coming easier every day.


The left side of our brains are the parts that command your immune system. Increased activity in this area of your mind will assist in making your immune system hungry for some action and the production of defense cells kicks in.

Get a Healthy Dose of Laughter

All jokes aside, laugh more. Laughter can boost your immunity and your spirits. When we think negative thoughts they manifest into chemical reactions and these reactions put more stress on your system and drag your immunity down. Laugh a little, not only can it help you ward off the ugly pathogens abounding these days, it can relieve pain as well by prompting your body to produce its own natural painkiller.

Welcome Healthy Food Options Into Your Diet

Food does not have to be your enemy because you’re a diabetic. You can eat delicious foods that are great on the glycemic index and feed the flavor you crave. But today, more than ever, we need to eat foods that will boost our immunity and keep us ready to fight off the many flus and viruses that seem to keep mutating.

Citrus fruits are GREAT for diabetics.  You should consume citrus daily to keep a healthy level of Vitamin C. A healthy start in the morning can be a fruit bowl. Peel and edge grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, and clementines. For a bit of color and change in texture, sprinkle some diced kiwi fruit over the top. While kiwi is not a citrus, it’s low on the glycemic index and great for boosting the immune system. Papaya can be added to your bowl of morning super fruit as well since it lowers cholesterol, aid in weight loss, is diabetic friendly, AND boosts the immunity.

Red bell peppers are the true superheroes when it comes to Vitamin C. A red bell pepper has twice the Vitamin C as citrus fruits and is also packed full of beta carotene. Not only can this pretty pepper boost your immunity, it can also help keep your eyes healthy and your skin radiant! If you’re having a nice green salad for lunch, you could dice up some peppers and toss them over the top for added crunch. You could also put a little raw broccoli in since broccoli is another immune booster. It’s packed with vitamins A, C, and E, along with a number of other antioxidants. Want to give your salad a little more flair? Bake some chicken in olive oil and lemon pepper. Once it cools, dice it and put it in your salad as well. And if you’re feeling really daring, find a Greek yogurt dressing recipe that is glycemic index friendly! The chicken has B-6 in it and the yogurt is a culture that will stimulate your immunity

A few other foods you can add to your meals include garlic, ginger, spinach, and almonds. You can pick up turmeric root and sunflower seeds in your produce aisle along with the others.

Be Healthy, Be Safe, and Have Fun

Have a good time putting meals together around these immune boosting ingredients. Remember, we are living in a time when we need to be a part of the medical team that cares for us. Let’s do our part so that we can be healthy and safe. And remember. Laugh often. It truly is good for you.