
The Ultimate Guide to Finding Quality Workouts Online

We’ve all done it. Looked in the mirror, found something we don’t like and then immediately googled how to make it smaller. It’s human nature and the beauty of the internet. We have unlimited resources at our finger tips with the quick punch of a key. One quick search for “butt toning workouts” and you have millions of links to all sorts of tips, tricks, and workouts. So how do we sift through the junk to find quality workouts online?


Is your workout coming from a reputable source?

We all have that trusty blogger that we can’t get enough of. (For me, it’s Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers) Your blogger of choice may post amazing recipes, healthy tips, DIY tips, daily adventures, workouts and many other things but before you get too attached, check their credentials. Does he or she have a fitness certification, license, or degree that validates their advice? In my case, Julie is a certified personal trainer and group ex instructor so I trust her workout recommendations.

I can’t tell you how many times I have come across a pinterest workout of the “best kettlebell moves” or “amazing flat abs” exercises that were created by non-certified fitness enthusiasts and have been pinned hundreds of times. While I have nothing against aspiring fitness enthusiasts, I do suggest only taking the advice of qualified professionals.

Does your source have adequate information for you to execute the workout safely?

Look for proper form and ample exercise explanations from your source. You don’t have to be an expert to see major mistakes like contorted body positions, awkward moves, or exercises that make you think “that can’t be healthy”.

Does he or she clearly explain how the workout is supposed to be executed?

One of the hardest parts about using workouts from the internet is figuring out what the author wants you to do. Repetitions and sets can get mixed up, timing can be poorly explained, and don’t even get me started on weird exercise names!

Are tricky portions explained or is there an offer for individualized support if needed? When in doubt ask for help!

Can you ask your source questions?

A lot of times we see cute little blog graphics posted on pinterest like the one below with little to no explanation.


Surprisingly not everyone in the world knows how to do a barbell squat correctly. This is where it becomes the responsibility of the publisher to make themselves available for questions and/or provide exercise descriptions. Most exercises have multiple youtube videos posted to explain varying techniques and basic form, but the best way to understand a workout is to go straight to the source. If your sources doesn’t know the answer, can they recommend somewhere else to look?

What if I don’t have a favorite online workout source?

If you are new to exercise or do not have a favorite “go to” workout source yet, major publishers are a great place to start. Greatist, Fit Sugar, and Nike Training Club are a few favorites. Be wary of websites with revenue motives instead of your best interest or novice pinterest workout publishers. If you find a source with the information you’re looking for continue to explore other quality options offered under the same publisher, however don’t feel obligated to depend solely on one source.  Different opinions can help you stay safe and if you find multiple sources offering contradictory information there’s reason to investigate further.

The moral of the story is to do your research thoroughly, don’t trust everything you read, and don’t be afraid to ask questions.  When your health and safety are on the line don’t settle for anything but the best. As someone who posts workouts, I love hearing from anyone who wants to learn more. With that being said, if you have questions about any workouts I have posted on my workouts page or about a workout you have found somewhere else, please do not hesitate to reach out.

Cheers to finding quality workouts online!

This article was originally published by our contributor, Jenna Michael on