
Yoga Eating Habits: What to Eat Before and After Yoga

In order to get the most out of yoga, our eating habits need to be taken into account. The practice of yoga. When you engage in yoga, you will move, bend and stretch throughout your practice.

It’s important to know the proper way to fuel your body before and after each session. Check out the best eating habits that are sure to enhance your yoga experience.

Before Yoga

These are some suggestions on what to eat before each practice. As always, don’t forget to wear the proper attire; some grey yoga pants and tops are an easy and comfortable option.

Empty Stomach – One of the habits we recommend is to practice on an empty stomach. Now, this doesn’t mean you should fast all day before exercising. Instead, we suggest that you stop eating at least two hours before each session. This way, you can avoid stomachaches, bloat and potentially embarrassing gas.

Small Portions – A pre yoga workout meal should be a small portion of whole foods. Avoid meat or any slow digesting foods as these can lead to indigestion. Instead, replace them with vegetables, a salad or even a soup. Finally, leave any spicy or rich foods off the plate as they may leave a lingering taste in your mouth while you practice.

Smart Snacks – As you progress in your yoga practice, you may find that you need some extra energy. For this purpose, we recommend consuming a light snack about a half hour before practice. Consider something like a handful of almonds, some quinoa or even a bit of oatmeal. These can help to curb your appetite and provide you with that extra burst of energy you need at the end of practice.

After Yoga

Once your beneficial yoga session is done, there are several eating habits that will allow you to get the most out of yoga.

Nutritious Meal – The minutes after each session are the ideal time to replenish your body with much needed nutrients. Consider preparing something with lean protein and plenty of vegetables. For example, an egg white omelet with fresh veggies in the morning or grilled salmon in the evening. This will provide the fuel your muscles need to grow and repair themselves.

Hydration – This is something that we cannot stress enough. After any intense workout, your body is depleted of water. Be sure to drink at least 8 – 16 ounces of water. This will allows your body to recover and avoid soreness and cramping. Definitely avoid any type of alcoholic beverages as they will further dehydrate you.

Smoothies – When you’re looking to consume healthy foods in a convenient and quick manner, consider drinking a smoothie after class. Be sure to include some leafy greens, protein and liquid. We suggest some greens powder, a spoon of protein powder, a handful of spinach, a handful of raw nuts, coconut water and frozen fruit for taste. This concoction is both filling and hydrating.


Yoga is a workout for the mind, body and soul. However, if we don’t sustain it correctly, it’s possible to do more harm than good. Taking care of your body is one of the principles of yoga. When you optimize your eating habits, you ensure that you can continue to practice for years to come.

Do you have any eating habits you recommend? Let us know in the comments!