
Getting Back on Track after a Weekend of Indulging

Following a fun-filled weekend, do you find yourself feeling a little guilty about some choices you made prior to facing reality of Monday? Don’t worry, most of us can relate. Post-weekend guilt used to get the best of me. I would have a variety of disheartening thoughts and a huge weight on my head about trying to reverse whatever I did over the weekend.

Allow me to share ways in which you can free yourself of weekend remorse- something that has taken me years to overcome. First, realize there is nothing wrong with having a fun weekend and indulging in things you wouldn’t normally eat or drink, from day to day. In fact, this is completely healthy and something you should do! The key to success in a “fit” life, most often revolves around balance.

Relying heavily on mental strength is one of the main things that help me through the aftermath of weekend remorse. As soon as Monday morning peers its way through the sun, make sure to tell yourself you are getting right back on track. Without this strong mindset, there could be temptations that cross your path. Many of us, rely on the ol’ faithful excuse of ” one more time wont hurt.” This habit can continue for days. Integrating days in between with clean, healthy eating and exercise is a great boost in keeping on that track for the next days to come.

If you have an idea that there are  potential road blocks coming- plan ahead!

Try these tips to help you extinguish food fires:

– Bring your own meals to eat throughout the day.

– Get your workout in first thing in the morning so you don’t have to worry about it the rest of the day.

-Drink plenty of water throughout the day and before big uncontrollable dinners. Snacking before said dinners will also encourage you to eat less since you shouldn’t be as hungry.

-Drinking a organic fresh cold pressed juice every day helps me to feel like my body is feeling amazing, not to mention all of the great nutrients I am giving it. Knowing I am doing this for myself, makes me want to keep honoring my body and stay on track.

The most important to remember is things happen when you put the effort forth to accomplish them, keeping in mind it isn’t the end of the world if everything doesn’t go as planned for the week. Whatever you do- avoid the  “I’ll start again tomorrow or next week” trap-rather, remind yourself you can start again the very moment you think you have slipped up!

Live now and live happy and healthy! Happy March!